Hydrogen Scotland member Statera Energy has submitted plans for the UK’s first utility-scale green hydrogen project to be built in Aberdeenshire. Kintore Hydrogen will help balance a renewable-led power system by using surplus renewable energy to produce green hydrogen. It will provide vital energy security to the UK, saving up to 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 per year at 3GW. Once constructed, Kintore Hydrogen will be the largest project of its kind in Europe.

Kintore Hydrogen has an operational capacity of up to 3GW, operating as flexible demand, with the ability to ramp up production during periods of high wind. Electricity to power the facility will be sourced directly from the Kintore substation. This nationally significant project will help balance the UK’s power system, enabling the development of more renewable energy sources like offshore wind. The green hydrogen produced by Kintore Hydrogen could also play an essential role in decarbonising the UK’s carbon-intensive sectors, such as heavy industry and flexible power generation.
If approved, the proposed Kintore Hydrogen development would take abundant electricity generated by Scottish offshore wind and, through a process of electrolysis, convert this electricity into green hydrogen. The hydrogen created could then be used across the country to decarbonise power generation facilities and carbon-intensive industrial clusters. The first 500 MW of operational capacity is expected to be online by 2028, providing significant support to the green skills transition for North East Scotland. The project is expected to create up to 3,500 jobs during its construction and up to 200 high-quality jobs on-site once operational, delivering a projected benefit of £1bn to the UK economy by 2035.
Tom Vernon, CEO of Statera Energy, said: “We are delighted to have submitted planning for Kintore Hydrogen, the first utility-scale green hydrogen project in the UK. If approved, Kintore Hydrogen could materially contribute to the growth of the UK’s hydrogen economy, support the UK’s energy independence, and accelerate the development of homegrown industrial supply chains. The Electricity System Operator forecasts a £5bn saving to consumers if flexible demand, like hydrogen electrolysers, is strategically located behind electricity network bottlenecks in Scotland. Kintore Hydrogen’s location, behind those bottlenecks and close to abundant water resources and wind power from the North Sea, can help to deliver these cost savings to energy users.”
Kintore Hydrogen is designed to fully capitalise on the potential that hydrogen has to offer. The location and scale of this project means it can make best use of surplus wind power, lowering hydrogen production costs. It will help balance the grid, contribute to the UK’s energy security, and support the decarbonisation of the UK’s hard-to-abate industries and power sector. Vernon added: “Over the coming years, the sheer volume of wind generation coming onto the system in the UK will make electrolysers critical for harnessing wind energy that would otherwise go to waste. Kintore Hydrogen will convert surplus wind power to green hydrogen to be used when and where it is needed most.”
Statera Energy submitted their Planning Permission in Principle (PPiP) application on 30th September to Aberdeenshire Council for the proposed Kintore Hydrogen project, strategically located next to the existing Kintore Substation. This application follows two successful public consultation events held in April and June 2024, which saw the participation of over 250 local residents. Feedback from these events, combined with extensive environmental and technical studies, has been instrumental in shaping the final proposals.
Commenting on the plans, Chris Palmer, Planning Lead at Statera, said: “We are delighted to have submitted our proposals for the Kintore Hydrogen development. If approved, this will bring significant investment to the local area, and help us on the path towards a future, renewables-led power system. Our engagement with the local community has been welcomed, and we appreciate the valuable feedback we have received so far, which has helped us to finalise our proposals. We are delighted that our development can contribute to a community benefit fund and local initiatives and are fully committed to ensuring that those in the vicinity of our projects share in the benefits.”.
The Kintore development could provide a significant boost to the UK economy of up to £1bn in economic productivity benefits by 2035, as well as offering various employment opportunities to local residents throughout construction and operation. This project hopes to provide a huge boost to the North East of Scotland, looking to expand upon existing key energy infrastructure to develop a low-cost, green hydrogen facility which could put Aberdeenshire at the heart of the transition to net zero. Furthermore, these developments are set to contribute generously to a community benefit fund produced in collaboration with local community feedback. Further information regarding the Kintore proposals can be found here: https://kintorehydrogen.co.uk/consultation.
About Statera Energy: Statera Energy is a UK-based energy company that develops, owns, and operates flexible generation, battery storage, pumped hydro and green hydrogen projects. These assets will help the UK build more renewable energy more quickly by providing the flexible capacity needed to balance the future grid whilst lowering carbon emissions and delivering the best value for energy users. Statera has circa 1GW of assets in operation or under construction, plans to deliver 7GW of flexibility assets by 2030 and a total pipeline of over 16GW in development or consented. With £700 million invested to date and up to £7 billion planned by 2030, Statera is strengthening UK energy security and supporting the low-carbon transition.
Learn more here: https://stateraenergy.co.uk/news/statera-energy-submits-plans-for-uk-s-first-utility-scale-green-hydrogen-project