Aberdeenshire Council

The Council administers a large geographical area covering around 8% of Scotland's land area but which is home to only around 4% of its population.

This widely distributed population brings challenges in terms of the size of the road network and access to services whilst other factors such as lack of mains gas infrastructure contribute to above national average rates of fuel poverty. The availability, affordability and sustainability of energy supplies are therefore important considerations for all Aberdeenshire residents and businesses and the Council is active in promoting schemes which reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote energy efficiency.

The Renewable Energy Strategy adopted by the Council recognises the need for a mix of technologies and scales and targets energy self sufficiency for the area. Among the actions required to achieve this goal will be the introduction of sustainable transport fuels and the Council has recognised the potential to develop renewable hydrogen and biofuels production capacity locally and is working with private and public sector stakeholders to evaluate and deliver these supplies.

The area also has a significant forest resource and a secondary school campus has already been converted from oil to wood heating. The Council is an active member of Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG).