Energy Transition Zone (ETZ)

ETZ Ltd was established to deliver the proposed Energy Transition Zone (ETZ) in Aberdeen, a flagship infrastructure project based which aims to accelerate the implementation of energy transition opportunities in the north east of Scotland at a scale that will make a significant contribution to net zero and to the city, region, Scottish and UK economies.

These opportunities include large scale fixed and floating wind farm developments via the ongoing ScotWind leasing round, large scale blue and green hydrogen production projects and the delivery of a world-class carbon dioxide transport and storage infrastructure.

The ETZ is being developed adjacent to the new £350 million deep-water Aberdeen South Harbour, which collectively provide a commercial gateway to many of the ScotWind licensing sites which are within a 100km radius of the harbour. It is a mix of greenfield and brownfield sites, totalling 70 hectares of developable land. It will be an exemplar low carbon development, home to high value energy transition manufacturing and supply chain companies. Its focus is on leading-edge innovation in pre-commercial energy transition technology areas such as offshore floating wind and the large-scale production of green hydrogen, building off Aberdeen’s international reputation as a pioneering hydrogen city.