H2 Chile
H2 Chile, based in Santiago, is a non-profit association founded on January 2018, normed by the Chilean Law N°2757 and registered with N° 4742 in the Ministry of Economy.
The objective of H2 Chile is to promote the use of hydrogen as a sustainable energy vector, fostering its research, development and use in industrial, commercial, residential and mobility applications.
H2 Chile was founded by 28 members, number that grew up to 45 as July 2019. H2 Chile has two types of memberships, individuals and companies. Today H2 Chile is composed by Individuals which works in different Companies involved on the H2 Value chain (Air Liquide, Engie, Copec, Codelco, AChEE, GIZ, etc.) and Academic Institutions (UdeC, UTFSM, UDT). It is expected to have the first company members at the second semester of 2019.
Although quite a new association, H2 Chile is already recognized by Authorities and other Stakeholders as a collaboration platform for boosting the energy transition.