Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B)
The Center Hydrogen.Bavaria (H2.B) is a strategy and coordination centre for hydrogen-related topics and activities in Bavaria, initiated and financed by the State of Bavaria.
The Center acts at the crossroads between industry, science, politics and the public in a national and increasingly in an international context. The activities of the Centre are divided into the areas “Strategy & Roadmap Development”, “Technology & Innovation”, “Public Relations”. In addition, the H2.B coordinates the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria.
The overarching goal is to strengthen the hydrogen economy in Bavaria and to accelerate the rollout of hydrogen use in a broad range of applications. The Centre’s numerous activities intend to contribute to a more intense networking among Bavarian hydrogen stakeholders (in the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria) and with other national and international players. In 2020, the H2.B and its partners in the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria developed a Position Paper about the Bavarian Hydrogen Economy as a first step towards the Bavarian Hydrogen Strategy. In April 2022, the H2.B published the Hydrogen Roadmap Bavaria.