Steer Energy

Steer supports clients in a range of markets to develop processes for targeting the conceptualisation and development of truly innovative ideas.

These are centred around using a team to explore and challenge the understanding of the problem – finding particular application “sweet spots” - and building concepts to address these. This provides our clients with alternatives to the conventional way of working.

The Team at Steer Energy are skilled at breaking problems down into achievable goals and addressing these through a range of internal and external mechanisms, including leveraging our technology community. Recently, we have worked on a variety of energy and utility industry problems with research institutions, operators, service companies and subject experts. We are broad-based in our approach to challenges starting with open minds, without the hindrance of existing operations or manufacturing teams to support. We work with market innovation, operations and asset managers to solve technical problems they face in their sector. By working collaboratively to define the problem we are open, nimble, innovative and draw on wide experience to solve your problems with unique bespoke solutions.

Steer is happy to consider any challenge but has particular experience in pipeline leakage mitigation, hydrogen pipeline purging, hydrogen safety, compliance reviews, addressing customers in vulnerable situations, product design, and innovation.