Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs)
Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) is an international organization constituted as a non-profit trade association. The main purposes of ZESTAs can be summarised in 9 points:
1.Promote the interests of the zero-emissions ship technology industry;
2. Promote the development of zero-emissions ship technology and supporting technology;
3. Study any matters ZESTAs may consider to be of interest to this industry including to promote and/or participate in any studies and reports to seek and propose solutions, and to undertake any activity in general which maintain, develop and promote zero-emissions ship technology internationally;
4. Represent on a common basis the interests of the international zero-emissions ship technology industry before the governing and advisory bodies of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and other international entities and regulatory bodies including, but not limited to; classification societies, International Standard Organisation (ISO), Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), US Coast Guards, CEN (European Committee for Standardization);
5. Promote its policies and initiatives regarding the zero emission ship technology industry;
6. Promote and facilitate research, development and innovation in the zero-emissions ship technology industries, including the promotion of relevant projects and the dissemination of results among its members;
7. Promote safe and environmentally-friendly zero-emissions shipping, including an active contribution to the work of the IMO;
8. Inform the international shipping industry, governments, media and the general public at all appropriate levels about zero-emissions ship technology;
9. Present and support expert papers on technology, operations, regulation, market, economics and issues that encourage the uptake of zero-emissions shipping technology.